Just got the latest update. Wrote the following to the feedback email address:
"Dear iAccounts team...
First off, why did you bend to the "clown makeup" look of the new iOS? Your previous version looked professional. This looks, well, silly.
More importantly, why do I have to go into the "edit" screen to see my password for a given account?"
Heres the reply:
"If you dont want the iOS7 theme go complain with Apple, not us. We just use the standard API as Apple dictates. Well check the edit thing but need a few details more. Stop complaining, you did not pay for this update."
Ive used this app for a very long time and was quite happy with it. I, like many, dont like the new iOS API. I thought perhaps if enough consumers got on Apples case, maybe the next API update would allow a more professional look, instead of something that looks like a kindergarteners art project.
Okay, maybe the Venticento folks are tired of getting beat up over Apples doings, but its a poor business practice to push back on the consumer and not the cause of the problem.
The telling part of the reply, though, is the "Stop complaining, you did not pay for this update."
Holy crap! Are you kidding me? Since I didnt pay for the update, you claim immunity from customer feedback?
There are other security apps that work just as well as this one. Im getting know of those.
Mark (Colorado) about iAccounts password manager- free backup application included, v3.4